Anna Sophia Tiedeke, is a junior Researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Media Research │ Hans Bredow Institute in April 2019 in the research area “Regulatory Structures and the Emergence of Rules in Online Spaces“.
She studied law at the University of Hamburg and the Université Panthéon-Sorbonne I in Paris with a focus on European and International Law. During her studies she worked at the chair of Prof. Markus Kotzur at the Institute for International Affairs of the University of Hamburg and at the media law boutique Damm & Mann. Since 2016 she has been a member of the editorial board of the „Völkerrechtsblog“ – International Law and International Legal Thought. After her first state examination, she worked as a research assistant in an international commercial law firm in the field of EU regulation and policy advice in Brussels. During her legal clerkship, which she completed between 2017 and 2019, she worked for the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin, the law firm RAUE in the field of press law and the Senate Administration for Culture and Europe in Berlin. At the same time, she worked at the chair of Prof. Christian Calliess at the Freie Unversität Berlin as a research assistant.
In her PhD thesis, Anna Sophia Tiedeke focuses on the development of a new concept of the understanding of the state under international law in the era of the Internet.