Soheil Human

Soheil Human

Director and Management Board

Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Science-Technology-Society (STS), Digital Economics, Sustainable Computing

Dr. Soheil Human has an interdisciplinary background in Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, the History and Philosophy of Science, and Science and Technology Studies (STS). He is currently the director of the Sustainable Computing Lab, an assistant professor at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien), and a lecturer in Human-Centric Digital Sciences at the Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna. His current research focuses on [digital] human rights, human needs, digital protection, human-compatible digital transformation, and sustainable computing. In his research, Dr. Human employs a broad range of theories and methods from Information Systems, Conceptual and Computational Cognitive Modeling, Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy, and Social Sciences. His other research interests include human values, pluralism and epistemic disagreements, predictive processing, sociotechnical imaginaries, and cognitive digital economies.